Casey Nursery, Inc.
Terms and Conditions
All prices listed are F.O.B. our nursery.
Prices listed cancel all previous quotations; and are subject to change without notice.
Delivery Rates
24' Straight Truck - $2.00 per loaded mile
Tractor Trailer - quoted per load
We accept all orders with the provision they shall be void, should any injury over which
we have no control befall our stock. All quotations are subject prior to sale.
All claims must be made within 5 days on receipt of shipment.
We will be glad to rectify any mistake made by us,
but in no case will our liability be more than the purchase price.
We guarantee that our stock is well rooted, well grown, true to name and properly packed;
but we will give no guarantee that our stock will live and grow.
Specimen stock selected by customers at the nursery will be charged according to its value,
irrespective of catalog price. Our stock is regularly inspected by the North Carolina Department of Agriculture
officials and is apparently free from injurious pests and diseases.
Cash unless credit arrangements have been made. For accounts over 30 days a finance charge of 1.5% per month will be incurred. Unless satisfactory arrangements have been made, all accounts over 60 days will be considered delinquent and any future purchases will be CASH ONLY until balance is paid in full.
Customers are responsible for all cost of collection on their account.
Orders booked in advance will require a 25% deposit. Booked orders will be held no more than 30 days.
Plants returned by customer will be subject to a 25% restocking fee