Casey Nursery, Inc.

Lee Casey - Owner
Hunter Casey - General Manager
Sabrina Bryant - Sales
Lisa Martin- Office Manager
Casey Nursery, Inc. is a member of:
North Carolina Nursery and Landscape Association
Virginia Nursery and Lancscape Association
Johnston County Nurserymen's Association
Johnston County Nursery Marketing Association
International Plant Propagators' Society
Casey Nursery, Inc. was founded in 1986, as a wholesale nursery dedicated to growing quality plants and serving our customer's needs. We have expanded over the years, to 100+ acres located in Goldsboro, North Carolina. We are conveniently located 16 miles from I-95 and 3 miles from US 70 west.
Casey Nursery provides a large selection of quality grown trees and shrubs for your landscape and garden center needs at a reasonable price. There are 40+ acres of container production, in ground pot & pot, with the balance in field grown plant material. We can provide prompt delivery and service to our customers with our fleet of shelved trucks.
Thank you to all the customers who have made Casey Nursery a success. We extend to new and existing customers an invitation to visit our nursery. No appointment is necessary, you are always welcome.
Hours are Monday through Friday, 8:00 am -12 noon, 1 pm - 5:00 pm. As always, if there is any way we can assist you, please contact our staff at 1-800-891-1801.